All images on this blog are under the ownership & copyright of Asbhazammi Photography. No Photograph may be reproduced, copied, stored, manipulated, or used whole or in part of a derivative work without permission from the owner. All rights reserved


Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Israk dan Mikraj adalah sebuah peristiwa di mana Nabi Muhammad S.A.W telah di"israk"kan (dibawa berjalan) dari Kota Mekah ke Baitul Muqaddis serta di"mikraj"kan (dibawa naik ke atas) ke Sidratul Muntaha untuk mengadap Allah S.W.T di mana Solat 5 waktu telah difardukan ke atas umat Islam melalui Rasulullah S.A.W.Salam Israk Mikraj.maafkan diri sendiri dan juga orang lain.selamat malam para sahabat. :)

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I am not only skilled in graphic Design. Photography and web design I also passionate about it. I enjoy making my design and photographs beautiful. easy to understand and most importantly accessible. I've been interested in design since mid year high-school giving me some prior learning being an autodidact. I was able to create and use my first logo on a functional website which boosted my confidence in hence moved onto web design. Photography became a passion of mini during year 12 where I held my first camera and my photography teacher said I had a very good eye for capture object onto camera.



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